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Engine that runs spot_funs(). spot_funs_custom() has options for changing returned output and for producing print statements and errors. It also requires you to provide a character vector for pkgs rather than identifying these automatically via spot_pkgs().


  show_each_use = FALSE,
  keep_search_list = FALSE,
  copy_local = TRUE,
  print_pkgs_load_status = FALSE,
  error_if_missing_pkg = FALSE,
  keep_in_multiple_pkgs = FALSE



Character vector of packages that are added to search space via require() or import::from() so can be found by utils::find(). Generally will be the returned value from spot_pkgs(file_path, show_explicit_funs = TRUE).


character vector of path to file.


Logical, default is FALSE. If changed to TRUE will return individual rows for each time a function is used (rather than just once for the entire file).


Logical, default is FALSE. If changed to TRUE will include entire search list for function. May be helpful for debugging in cases where funspotr may not be doing a good job of recreating the search list for identifying which packages function(s) came from. This will print all packages in the search list for each function.


Logical, if changed to FALSE will not copy to a local temporary folder prior to doing analysis. Many functions require file to already be an .R file and for the file to exist locally. This should generally not be set to TRUE unless these hold.


Logical, default is FALSE. If set to TRUE will print a named vector of logicals showing whether packages are on machine along with any warning messages that come when running require(). Will continue on to produce output of function.


Logical, default is FALSE. If set to TRUE then print_pkgs_load_status = TRUE automatically. If a package is not installed on the machine then will print load status of individual pkgs and result in an error.


Logical, default is FALSE. If set to TRUE will include in the outputted dataframe a column in_multiple_pkgs: logical, whether a function exists in multiple packages loaded (i.e. on the search space of utils::find().


Given default arguments and no missing packages, a dataframe with the following columns is returned:

funs: specifying functions in file. pkgs: the package a function came from. If funs is a custom function or if it came from a package not installed on your machine, pkgs will return "(unknown)".

Note that any unused loaded packages / pkgs are dropped from output. Any functions without an available package are returned with the value "(unknown)".

See README for further documentation.


spot_funs_custom() is also what you should use in cases where you don't trust spot_pkgs() to properly identify package dependencies from within the same file and instead want to pass in your own character vector of packages.

See README for a description of how the function works.

If a package is not included in pkgs, any functions called that should come from that package will be assigned a value of "(unknown)" in the pkgs column of the returned output. You can also use the print_pkgs_load_status and error_if_missing_pkg arguments to alter how output works in cases when not all packages are on the machine.

Explicit calls to unexported functions i.e. pkg:::fun() will have pkgs = "(unknown)" in the returned dataframe.

See also



file_lines <- "

as_tibble(mpg) %>%
  group_by(class) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(stats = purrr::map(data,
                            ~lm(cty ~ hwy, data = .x)))


file_output <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
writeLines(file_lines, file_output)

pkgs <- spot_pkgs(file_output)

spot_funs_custom(pkgs, file_output)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   funs        pkgs     
#>   <chr>       <chr>    
#> 1 library     base     
#> 2 require     base     
#> 3 as_tibble   tidyr    
#> 4 group_by    dplyr    
#> 5 nest        tidyr    
#> 6 mutate      dplyr    
#> 7 map         purrr    
#> 8 lm          stats    
#> 9 made_up_fun (unknown)

# If you'd rather it error when a pkg doesn't exist e.g. for {madeUpPkg}
# set`error_if_missing_pkg = TRUE`