The goal of pwiser is to make applying arbitrary functions across combinations of columns within dplyr easy. Currently, the only function is pairwise(), which applies a function to all pairs of columns.

pairwise() is an altered version of dplyr::across() and, similarly, is meant to be used within mutate() / transmute() and summarise() verbs. pwiser sprang from conversations on an Rstudio Community thread and related conversations.

Example within summarise()

pairwise() respects grouped dataframes:

# When using `pairwise()` within `summarise()` the function(s) applied should
# have an output length of 1 (for each group). (Though could wrap in `list()` to make a list column output.)
cor_p_value <- function(x, y){
  stats::cor.test(x, y)$p.value

penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
                     .is_commutative = TRUE),
            n = n())
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#>   species  bill_length_mm_bill~ bill_length_mm_flipp~ bill_depth_mm_flipp~     n
#>   <fct>                   <dbl>                 <dbl>                <dbl> <int>
#> 1 Adelie               1.51e- 6              4.18e- 5             1.34e- 4   146
#> 2 Chinstr~             1.53e- 9              4.92e- 5             2.16e- 7    68
#> 3 Gentoo               7.34e-16              1.80e-16             1.40e-19   119

Setting .is_commutative = TRUE can save time on redundant calculations.

Equivalently, could have written with .x and .y in a lambda function:

penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
                     ~stats::cor.test(.x, .y)$p.value, 
                     .is_commutative = TRUE),
            n = n())

Example within mutate()

Can apply multiple functions via a named list:

penguins %>% 
                  list(ratio = `/`, difference = `-`),
                  .names = "features_{.fn}_{.col_x}_{.col_y}")) %>% 
#> Rows: 333
#> Columns: 20
#> $ species                                              <fct> Adelie, Adelie, A~
#> $ island                                               <fct> Torgersen, Torger~
#> $ bill_length_mm                                       <dbl> 39.1, 39.5, 40.3,~
#> $ bill_depth_mm                                        <dbl> 18.7, 17.4, 18.0,~
#> $ flipper_length_mm                                    <int> 181, 186, 195, 19~
#> $ body_mass_g                                          <int> 3750, 3800, 3250,~
#> $ sex                                                  <fct> male, female, fem~
#> $ year                                                 <int> 2007, 2007, 2007,~
#> $ features_ratio_bill_length_mm_bill_depth_mm          <dbl> 2.090909, 2.27011~
#> $ features_difference_bill_length_mm_bill_depth_mm     <dbl> 20.4, 22.1, 22.3,~
#> $ features_ratio_bill_length_mm_flipper_length_mm      <dbl> 0.2160221, 0.2123~
#> $ features_difference_bill_length_mm_flipper_length_mm <dbl> -141.9, -146.5, -~
#> $ features_ratio_bill_depth_mm_bill_length_mm          <dbl> 0.4782609, 0.4405~
#> $ features_difference_bill_depth_mm_bill_length_mm     <dbl> -20.4, -22.1, -22~
#> $ features_ratio_bill_depth_mm_flipper_length_mm       <dbl> 0.10331492, 0.093~
#> $ features_difference_bill_depth_mm_flipper_length_mm  <dbl> -162.3, -168.6, -~
#> $ features_ratio_flipper_length_mm_bill_length_mm      <dbl> 4.629156, 4.70886~
#> $ features_difference_flipper_length_mm_bill_length_mm <dbl> 141.9, 146.5, 154~
#> $ features_ratio_flipper_length_mm_bill_depth_mm       <dbl> 9.679144, 10.6896~
#> $ features_difference_flipper_length_mm_bill_depth_mm  <dbl> 162.3, 168.6, 177~

Can use .names to customize outputted column names.


Install from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

See Also

There are other tools in R for doing tidy pairwise operations. widyr (by David Robinson) and corrr (in the tidymodels suite) offer solutions (primarily) for summarising contexts (corrr::colpair_map() is the closest comparison as it also supports arbitrary functions). recipes::step_ratio() and recipes::step_interact() can be used for making pairwise products or ratios in mutating contexts. (See Appendix section of prior blog post on Tidy Pairwise Operations for a few cataloged tweets on these approaches.)

The novelty of pwiser::pairwise() is its integration in both mutating and summarising verbs in dplyr.

Identified after publishing {pwiser}:

The dplyover package is a more mature package that also offers a wide range of extensions on across() for iteration problems. dplyover::across2() can be used to do essentially the same thing as pairwise(). We are currently reviewing whether to mark {pwiser} as superseded so we can point people to {dplyover}.

Computation Speed

For problems with lots of data you should use more efficient approaches.

Matrix operations (compared to dataframes) are much more computationally efficient for problems involving combinations (which can get big very quickly). We’ve done nothing to optimize the computation of functions run through pwiser.

For example, when calculating pearson correlations, pairwise() calculates the correlation separately for each pair, whereas stats::cor() (or corrr::correlate() which calls cor() under the hood) uses R’s matrix operations to calculate all correlations simultaneously.


cells_numeric <- select(cells, where(is.numeric))

#> [1] 2019   56

Let’s do a speed test using the 56 numeric columns from the cells dataset (which means 1540 pairwise combinations or 3080 permutations) imported from modeltime.


  cor = cor(cells_numeric),
  correlate = corrr::correlate(cells_numeric),
  colpair_map = corrr::colpair_map(cells_numeric, cor),
  pairwise = summarise(cells_numeric, pairwise(where(is.numeric), cor, .is_commutative = TRUE)),
  times = 10L,
  unit = "ms")
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>         expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max
#>          cor   5.224201   5.611702   6.074961   6.149051   6.331702   6.862901
#>    correlate  41.888002  44.783101  49.197801  46.816001  48.088402  73.147801
#>  colpair_map 653.476401 665.239601 694.533231 681.804551 698.149301 822.678301
#>     pairwise 236.102701 253.147802 269.404431 268.679200 291.609801 300.210800
#>  neval  cld
#>     10 a   
#>     10  b  
#>     10    d
#>     10   c

The stats::cor() and corrr::correlate() approaches are many times faster than using pairwise(). However pairwise() still only takes about one fifth of a second to calculate 1540 correlations in this case. Hence on relatively constrained problems pairwise() is still quite usable. (Though there are many cases where you should go for a matrix based solution.)

pairwise() seems to be faster than corrr::colpair_map() (a more apples-to-apples comparison as both can handle arbitrary functions), though much of this speed difference goes away when .is_commutative = FALSE.


See issue #1 for a little on limitations in current set-up.